Friday, 19 November 2010

Lovely Things

Right, let's get this blog dusted and up and running again.

I've been enjoying visiting all your blogs but don't seem to have been able to get on with my own, but a surprise happening this week has encouraged me to write...

The lovely Amy over at Blighty Boutique ( (my link gadget doesn't seem to be working) had a giveaway. There were two prizes but Amy found she had such a response that she decided to have an, unplanned, third prize. I was the lucky third prize winner. This is what arrived at my door last Tuesday...

Lots of goodies. Embroidery patterns for gnomes and fairies:

A beautiful retro Christmas card...

and inside....

A postcard advertising something I wouldn't pick off the shelf in the supermarket. I would suggest a new marketing name...

Thank you so much, Amy. It was a sweet package to brighten up my day. Please pay a visit to Amy's lovely, fun blog and start her on her way to 200 followers.

What else has happened? Oh, a trip to Dublin with best friend Tammy. We stayed at The Gresham Hotel where I had the best fillet steak EVER. Dublin is a lovely city and we must have walked miles, visiting all the charity shops we could find.

They have green post boxes in Dublin...

And Guiness toucans...

(I love toucans)

And some wonderful places to eat. This is where we had breakfast...

Yes, Butler's Chocolate Cafe. Wonderful.

The trip wasn't just on a whim. Some of you might remember I'm (just a tiny bit) a fan of Alan Rickman. He is in a play at the moment (John Gabriel Borkman by Ibsen) at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin with Lindsey Duncan and Fiona Shaw, and the opportunity to see him on stage was too much for me to resist (even though it involved a flight to Dublin).

The production was wonderful. I was very happy.

Oh, and then there was our own production of Hay Fever which was so much fun. Noel Coward's plays are such wonderful things to be involved in and I enjoyed every minute (even when my bracelet got caught on the sofa and I had to improvise until I'd got it free!)

Here is one of my costumes. The infamous fur I spoke about a few months ago (the rabbit would have been about 90 had it lived). All the costumes I wore were authentic 1920's and were gorgeous:

Lots of other things have been happening, but I think that's enough for one post.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone.




  1. Love your new look blog! Nice to read what you've been up to.My husband was born in Dublin,but I've never been there,one day perhaps.If bile beans give you a figure like hers...well I'd eat them..whatever they are! :0)

  2. So nice to see a post from you. Congratulations on the win, and thanks for sharing about your trip.

  3. Lovely to see a post from you Andi, and congratulations on your win, some great goodies. Sounds like you had an enjoyable and fun trip.

  4. so pleased to be reading your blog again, you were one of my first lovely followers, and even though I don't "know" you, I've missed seeing what you've been up to, and hearing your thoughts- your comments here and there on my posts have been great!

    Dublin is JUST DIVINE and I can imagine how much you must have enjoyed it- especially with the lure of Alan Rickman!

    I love the costume for your play, using authentic old outfits must put you more in the frame of mind for the part?

    All love xx
    ps great giveaway prize- without my glasses I thought it said PILE beans!!??**!!

  5. Your blog has changed! Hadn't noticed before. Oh, and paleeeeeze, Bile Beans??? Ewwwwwww. I wonder whether anybody ever bought a packet of those, and actually swallowed them. Shudder.

  6. Glad you liked your win, and you look fab in your 1920s costume! x

  7. I agree with a name change for Bile awful! Your trip to Dublin sounds husband and I dream of visiting Ireland one day soon.

  8. Dublin is wonderful, it's a long time since I have been but your photos brought back memories. Your costume looks amazing, It must have been great fun.
    Ann x

  9. Great to have you back in blogland! Love your giveaway goodies you received. I haven't been to Dublin for years, sounds like you had a great time!

  10. I have very warm memories of Dublin. My Husband was seconded to work there for a year and we had a house at Sandymount. Butlers was one of our favourite stop-offs, they used to do a long chocolate stick, with which to stir your hot drinks :D

  11. Oh lucky you for the goodies, they are gorgeous! I'm also a bit jealous of your tip to Dublin, a place I have always wanted to go for the Thin Lizzy museum and the guinness factory as well as the stunning scenery of course and now I discover there is a chocolate factory as well? Oh goodness. I think Dublin must move up the "to do" list! Have a lovely week Andi xoxo

  12. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh! You got to see Alan Rickman LIVE......... sigh............... That voice!!!!!

  13. Amy is my daughter! The sublime stitching packs are fab - you will enjoy using it!

    The 1920's outfit is gorgeous = very fetching! xx

    Dublin is on my list of places to visit - it looks fab - the choccie factory is a big draw too!

  14. So glad you won and it perked you up-we all go thru times when blogging that it's difficult to get back-real life is more important-hope things are better soon!

  15. Hi Andi, Congrats on your is so fun to win a blog giveaway! I saw a comment left by you on another blog and was intrigued by your blog name (wonder why)! We must be kindred spirits,
    Annette (Andy)

  16. I love your blog and am passing you the One Lovely Blog Award. The picture is on my blog for you to collect x

  17. I envy you your trip to Dublin. That one is still on my 'to do' list. Enjoy your giveaway goodies, a lovely, generous gift.


  18. Thank you so much for your kind birthday wishes!
    Hope your day is wonderful!
    Blessings and BIG HUGS!

  19. i'm coming across the pond to eat at that choco cafe!!! mmmmmm good!!! do they have fried toast? i miss eating fried toast!! glad to see you are up and running again!!! take care

  20. Sounds like a wonderful trip... It would be such fun to hit all the charity shops. Would also love to visit Ireland!


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