I've never been good at saying goodbye to cars.
Back in the 60's my dad had a black Austin 40
it was the second car he ever owned.

( Attribution: Redsimon at en.wikipedia)
One morning he drove me to school, which was unusual because we normally walked.
At the school gates he told me:
'Say goodbye to the car because you won't be seeing it again.'
I was so upset
and ever since have had trouble saying goodbye to cars.
Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Sugar, my PT Cruiser:
and for a long time couldn't bring myself to play my Tom Waits cds while I drove her
we stuck to Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday
(until the cd player got a grain of dirt in it and scratched the cds).
So what if my son's friends told me she looked like a hearse
I loved her.
Sadly, she became an old lady and began behaving and sounding very sick.
Yesterday I took her for our last drive together
and left her at the dealers
all the while muttering to myself,
'It's just a car, a machine. It doesn't have feelings. It is NOT upset that you're abandoning her.'
Here is the little upstart that has taken her place
She's nippy, more maneuverable and has a cd player that works.
It's going to take me a while to adapt
(who ever heard of an automatic that rolled backwards on inclines?)
but I'm sure we're going to become good friends.
(and I don't think she'll mind Tom Waits!)
Andi xx