We've just returned from a two week break in Cornwall and Somerset (to a house of chaos - but that's another story). One of our day's out included a trip to Dunster Castle. On the way, I spotted a salvage yard, and miracle upon miracle, M agreed to stop.
As I know a lot of us here enjoy a good salvage yard, I thought I'd share some pics (with minimum commentary):
This fearsome beast greeted us at the entrance:
Old suitcases are popular at the moment:

A butcher's block:
complete with broken label:

Beautiful old stoves to keep you warm...

And a water pump for your bathing:

Milk churns are always fun (and a family joke)

A beautiful old lantern frame
My Nan had one of these in her porch:

but she didn't have a kangaroo

For some unknown reason I really wanted this signpost, but with all our luggage it wouldn't have got in the car:
giant clock hands

and just for fun...
Did I buy? Yes. I bought a large black cast iron saucepan to use in the garden. I forgot to take a pic. Maybe when I've planted it up.
A very enjoyable trip which doesn't happen often enough for me.
Andi xx