Oh dearie, dearie me.

So I'm driving M to the train station, both wondering what the sudden strange noise was...

M deserts me - he has a train to catch.
RAC ETA - 2 hours.
I'm only about a mile from home so I decide to walk back...
up the steepest hill in the area....

Not only am I dressed in my pjs, I'm also desperate for the loo.
The effort of walking uphill is obviously putting pressure on my bladder and the desperation increases.

To distract my thoughts, I text bestest friend to say I'll never scoff at her warnings again.
She replied 'Don't break into a run or they'll think you've escaped from the local hospital'.

We have lots of traffic on our road. Goodness knows what they thought.
Fortunately I only met one other person walking towards me
Is there ANYTHING better than the blessed relief of reaching a toilet in such circumstances?
I've learned my lesson. From now on I'll dress before playing chauffeur.
Andi xx