Here we are at another Memory Lane Monday hosted by Donna at Brynwood Needleworks and keeping on the topic of housework I present here a photo of me, taken probably somewhere around 1963:
I am standing on a chair to clean the sink in my nan and granddad's flat. Funny how kids love to clean the sink, isn't it? Equally funny how quickly they grow out of it!
Nan and Granddad were moved into the flat when the row of terraced houses where they lived was demolished. This was the 60's and the beginning of the 'stack 'em high' way of living.
I think the wallpaper was plastic or vinyl, and look at those tall taps:

No problems getting a large saucepan under those.
We cleaned the sink with Vim. I believe it's still sold but not as I remember it. It was harsh powder sold in a tube with holes in the top to shake out the powder. We used this for years until some bright spark at a marketing agency somewhere came up with the idea of 'cream cleaner' which didn't scratch ('Flash cleans baths without scratching' - who was that Scottish actress?).
I couldn't find an advert for Vim, but here's a link for a 60's one about Flash that's quite fun:
Thanks for taking a stroll with me down Memory Lane.
Andi xx