(I have to say, I'm quite pleased with my dining room mantle this year)
(Fireplace - £20 - car boot sale. Mirror - £15 - Cancer Research)
Christmas blessings,
Andi xx
(I have to say, I'm quite pleased with my dining room mantle this year)
(Fireplace - £20 - car boot sale. Mirror - £15 - Cancer Research)
Christmas blessings,
Andi xx
There has been a place of worship on this site since pagan times. The present church being built in 1722.
It was named after St. Martin who is said to have taken pity on a near-naked beggar, cut his own cloak in two and given half to the beggar. Christ appeared to Martin in a dream that night as the beggar and thanked him for his kindness. Martin converted to Christianity the next day.
Today St. Martin's is known, amongst other things, for its Christmas Appeal, raising money (some £500,000) for the homeless.
The church stands on one of the corners of Trafalgar Square so, as parents were not allowed inside the church for the carol service, I took a walk around the Square:
I know I made a note at the time which blog I'd seen it on. Do you think I can find that note? I've spent the best part of this morning looking through all your blogs trying to trace the post, without luck.
If this is your pic, I make my apologies for using it without your permission and hope very much that you don't mind. And PLEASE let me know who you are so I can give a link back to your post.
Anyway, I was really taken with the sign but I believe the price was something like £130.
Ever since I've been on the lookout for Lexicon games in the charity shops so that I could try and make my own.
I had one game already. I found another at a car boot for 50p. That should do it, I thought.
Guess what?
Two vital letters were missing from the car boot purchase. I needed another.
After weeks of searching, one mysteriously turned up in my dresser drawer. I strongly suspect my mum snuck it there, but she denies it was her.
Anyway, at long last I was able to go ahead with the project and completed it this weekend:
Buying a frame that was six foot wide was going to cost some, so I bought a piece of MDF and asked the nice man in B&Q to cut it length ways for me. The frame is painted onto the MDF with acrylic paint and the background with leftover Farrow and Ball New White.
Cost: £8.55
I'm very pleased.
Andi xx
( Attribution: Redsimon at en.wikipedia)
One morning he drove me to school, which was unusual because we normally walked.
At the school gates he told me:
'Say goodbye to the car because you won't be seeing it again.'
I was so upset
and ever since have had trouble saying goodbye to cars.
Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Sugar, my PT Cruiser:
I don't plan on eating them
so I'm not sure it matters.
I just wish I could have those
pretty fairytale mushrooms instead.
You know, the red ones with white spots?
Guess I'll just have to make them instead.
Andi xx
Happy Halloween weekend everyone.
Along with having loads of fun with my photos over at this site:
I thought I'd take the opportunity this mystical weekend to tell you about the ghost I believe is in our house, because you never truly know what lies behind closed doors.
Our house is over a hundred years old and I know at least one person has gasped their last breath here. Who knows how many others?
We first moved here when my daughter was one year old. In the first few months, at bedtime, I would carry her up the stairs and held her so that her face was looking over my shoulder.
She would point behind and say 'Man; man' as though someone was following us up the stairs.
This card of mop buttons was 50p. I wasn't cheeky enough to ask for a discount because of the broken one.
Obviously one is to a clock, but the others are quite delicate. I imagine they were used for cabinets or boxes as they would snap if used for anything as tough as a door lock.
On a completely different subject, Elsie had her first bath and haircut on Tuesday.
Old suitcases are popular at the moment: