I had a senior moment the other day. Not forgetting why I'd gone into a room, or where I'd put my car keys or anything as trivial as that, oh no. This one has caused a gunshot of laughter whenever I've told the tale. Hoping it will also bring a smile to your face (and may I also hope, a little sympathy?), I relate it here:
Sitting down to write out a birthday card for my ex sister-in-law, I realised I would need my glasses. I got up, found glasses, put them on and then continued writing the card, addressing the envelope and sealing it. Not until it was all done did I realise...I'd put my hat on instead of my glasses.

I've had just one other momentous moment in my life, but I my kids were small then and I blame early motherhood rather than age:
A light bulb had blown on the landing upstairs. I went all the way downstairs, collected a new light bulb and the stepladders and went all the way back up. I was standing under the light preparing to go up and it was that moment I realised I'd collected the ironing board instead of the ladder.
Please, please comfort me ladies by telling me I'm not alone in these 'brain on holiday' moments. If you've experienced anything similar, I would love to hear them.

Oh, by the way, I'm hoping to have a little giveaway on 1st December, so please come back then for a visit.
And HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all in the USA!